The House of Wellbeing - with Behavioral Scientist Tanya 수정 Tarr

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Understanding Burnout: Insights from behavioral scientist and executive health coach, Tanya Tarr

In the latest episode of the Two Piers Podcast, host Erica D'Eramo is joined by behavioral scientist and executive health coach Tanya Tarr. Together, they explore the multifaceted issue of burnout, drawing on Tanya's extensive experience in politics, health coaching, and personal wellness. This episode provides a wealth of insights into understanding, preventing, and managing burnout, particularly among executives and high-stakes professionals.

Tanya Tarr's Origin Story: From Politics to Health Coaching

Growing Up in a Diverse Community

Tanya Tarr shares her origin story, revealing how her upbringing in Washington, DC, a community where 40 different languages were spoken, shaped her perspective. This diverse environment nurtured her interest in human behavior and community dynamics.

Political Career and Transition to Health Coaching

Tanya's career began in politics, where she worked on Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign and later joined the labor movement. However, her journey took a turn as she experienced the detrimental effects of burnout firsthand. This personal struggle led her to pivot towards health coaching, with a focus on sustainable living and preventing burnout.

The Journey Through Burnout and Health Transformation

Personal Struggles with Burnout

Tanya discusses her transition from a political mobilization director to understanding workplace burnout. She shares her personal experience, including the physical health issues she faced, which underscored the importance of sustainable living for long-term health.

Becoming a Nationally Board-Certified Health Coach

Motivated by her own health challenges, Tanya embarked on a journey to become a nationally board-certified health coach. She shares her preparations for the National Board Certification exam, highlighting her commitment to helping others navigate similar health and wellness challenges.

Burnout and Wellness Strategies for Executives

Research and Personal Insights on Burnout

Drawing on both research and personal experience, Tanya discusses the prevalence of burnout in the workplace. She emphasizes the critical need for CEOs and executives to recognize and address burnout to maintain their health and productivity.

From Mathlete to Muay Thai Enthusiast

Tanya's story includes her transformation from a mathlete to a Muay Thai practitioner and certified referee. This passion for martial arts has been instrumental in helping her cope with burnout and stabilize her health, demonstrating the importance of physical activity in managing stress.

The Concept of a Third Space

Finding a Third Space for Personal Growth

Tanya introduces the concept of a "third space," a place beyond work and home where individuals can explore new identities and experiences. For Tanya, this third space is Muay Thai, a community that provides her with emotional recharge and personal growth.

The Role of Play in Learning and Memory

In a discussion on learning and memory, Tanya highlights the essential role of play. She explains how play encodes experiences with dopamine, a key neurotransmitter for memory, thereby enhancing learning and retention.

Addressing Chronic Illness and Burnout in the US

The Impact of Overwork and the Role of Health Coaches

Tanya and Erica delve into the impact of overwork and burnout on chronic illnesses, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the CDC's predictions for 2024 and the critical role health coaches play in mitigating these issues by helping clients change habits and create positive interventions.

Helping a Diverse Range of Clients

Tanya shares her experiences working with a diverse clientele, including executives, stay-at-home moms, and first responders. She emphasizes the importance of tailored coaching strategies to help each individual navigate their unique health and career challenges.

Navigating Complex Life Decisions

Personal Stories of Health Challenges

Erica shares her experience with knee pain and the complex medical journey she undertook, including surgery and physical therapy. This conversation highlights the emotional toll of health issues and the frustration of navigating multiple medical opinions.

The Importance of Self-Awareness in Coaching

Tanya stresses the importance of self-awareness and personal growth in coaching. She encourages clients to take small, manageable steps towards their goals, rather than attempting to overhaul their lives all at once.

Practical Strategies for Wellness and Well-Being

Distinguishing Wellness from Well-Being

Erica and Tanya discuss the difference between wellness and well-being, with Tanya viewing wellness as more consumerist and well-being as a holistic approach. They emphasize practical strategies, such as building cognitive scaffolding and anchor habits, to support lasting behavioral changes.

Promoting Workplace Well-Being

Tanya underscores the importance of interconnectedness in the workplace, advocating for group volunteer activities and organic friendships to promote well-being.

Understanding and Preventing Burnout

Self-Determination Theory and Social Connections

Tanya explains self-determination theory and its relevance to burnout, emphasizing the role of social connections in preventing burnout. She distinguishes between relatedness and belonging, highlighting their impact on motivation and well-being.

Mirror Neurons and Group Exercises

Tanya discusses the importance of activities that activate mirror neurons, such as icebreakers, dancing, storytelling, and laughter. These activities foster empathy, connection, and safety, which are crucial for preventing burnout.

Evaluating and Enhancing Workplace Well-Being

A Four-Room Framework for Well-Being

Tanya introduces a framework for evaluating workplace well-being, which includes physical, mental, emotional, and cultural health. She shares her experiences facilitating exercises to help individuals identify and improve their well-being in these areas.

Coaching in High-Stakes Environments

Tanya's work focuses on high-stakes environments, where she helps leaders foster safer work environments and mitigate burnout. Her passion for helping managers create supportive workplaces is evident as she shares strategies for injury, death, and chronic illness prevention.


Through this rich and insightful discussion, Tanya Tarr provides valuable perspectives on understanding and managing burnout, emphasizing the importance of sustainable living, personal growth, and practical strategies for well-being. Her journey from political activism to health coaching offers a compelling narrative of resilience and transformation.

You can connect with Tanya on LinkedIn, Instagram, or via her website at You can also find lots of great resources from Tanya, including a free burnout prevention class, here