The Search for Greener Grass - with Yael Iffergan and Adam Forbes

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The Search for Greener Grass: Insights from Yael Iffergan and Adam Forbes

In this episode of our podcast, host Erica D'Eramo sits down with Yael Iffergan and Adam Forbes to discuss the intricacies of career changes and the pursuit of fulfilling work. This conversation dives into personal experiences, common biases, and practical advice for anyone considering a significant career shift.

The Bias of Assuming Opportunities Are Always Better

Introduction to Career Changes

Erica opens the discussion by highlighting a common bias: the assumption that new opportunities are inherently better than the current situation. This mindset can often lead to unrealistic expectations and poor decision-making.

Personal Experiences with Career Pivots

Yael Iffergan shares her journey of realizing that sometimes the problem lies within oneself rather than external factors. Adam Forbes, drawing from extensive interviews, notes that these themes frequently emerge in conversations with people undergoing career changes.

The "Grass is Greener" Mentality

Idealizing Others' Lives

Erica and Adam discuss the dangers of the "grass is greener" mentality, where individuals assume that others have it better. They stress the importance of recognizing and challenging confirmation bias, which can lead to unrealistic expectations.

Recognizing Misleading Idealizations

Adam expresses envy towards those who have started their own businesses, despite not taking steps towards entrepreneurship themselves. He acknowledges that idealized portrayals of successful entrepreneurs can be misleading.

Workplace Dissatisfaction and Setting Goals

Evaluating Alternatives Realistically

Yael agrees with Adam that fantasy expectations in organizations are a red flag. Erica and Adam discuss the necessity of being granular when evaluating new opportunities, emphasizing the importance of honest assessments of both pros and cons.

Prioritizing Personal Values in Career Decisions

Informing Career Decisions

Erica highlights the importance of inventorying personal values and priorities when making career decisions. She discusses the limitations of data in evaluating opportunities and the need to consider non-quantitative risks.

Addressing Familiarity Bias

Erica also points out the bias towards staying in familiar situations and the importance of overcoming this heuristic to make informed decisions.

Career Growth and Decision-Making

Exploring Personal Goals

Yael emphasizes a measured approach to pursuing mental health and personal growth. Adam shares an exercise from a book that helped a woman evaluate job satisfaction, leading to increased objectivity and agency.

Feeling Less Trapped

Adam discusses helping people feel less trapped in their jobs, not necessarily to leave, but to explore and evaluate their current situations objectively.

Networking and Job Satisfaction

Building a Support Network

Erica and Yael discuss the importance of agency and optionality in work life. They note that building a support network is easier when one is happy and fulfilled rather than miserable.

Exploring Career Options

Adam emphasizes the importance of creating options beyond the current job and addresses the fear of missing out (FOMO) as a potential barrier. Erica and Yael also touch on the generational differences in loyalty and job longevity.

Testing Business Ideas

Real-World Experimentation

Adam suggests testing business ideas through shadowing, networking, or practice to gauge viability and personal fit. Erica and Adam discuss the importance of self-reflection and personal growth in entrepreneurship.

Embracing Feedback

Erica and Yael emphasize the need to gather data and be open to feedback to find fulfillment in career decisions.

Career Development and Personal Growth

Data-Rich Environment for Growth

Erica discusses the value of a data-rich environment for coaching, networking, and personal growth. Adam highlights the importance of self-reflection and understanding one's priorities.

Expanding Networks

Erica and Yael agree on the value of informational interviews and expanding one's network to explore new opportunities.

Work-Life Balance and Fulfillment

Setting Boundaries

Erica discusses the importance of warm introductions and clear communication in networking. Yael shares her thoughts on the notion that doing what you love means you'll never work a day in your life.

Fulfillment Beyond Work

Both Erica and Yael emphasize that fulfillment cannot solely come from one's job. They stress the need to create boundaries and prioritize personal needs outside of work to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Finding Purpose and Avoiding Burnout

Thoughtful Decision-Making

Adam discusses feeling trapped in a corporate job due to the high stakes of identity, community, and financial well-being. Erica agrees, noting that people often stay in unhappy jobs for these reasons.

Patience and Reflection

Adam suggests patience in finding the next career step and recommends taking walks and journaling to gain insights.

How to Get In Touch

Adam’s book, Corporate Escapology launches July 2nd and you can also find him on his Corporate Escapologist Substack. You can find Yael over on LinkedIn or at


This episode provides valuable insights into the complexities of career changes, highlighting the importance of self-reflection, realistic evaluations, and building a supportive network. Whether you're considering a major career pivot or seeking more fulfillment in your current role, these discussions offer practical advice and food for thought.