Guest Episode: Women Offshore Inclusion Summit

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Guest Episode: Women Offshore Inclusion Summit

In this episode, we are resharing a conversation from the Women Offshore Podcast, hosted by Christine MacMillan, where Erica D’Eramo and Tanya Tarr are featured guests. Together, they discuss the upcoming Inclusion Summit Workshop on September 18th, an event designed to promote inclusive leadership, especially for HR professionals and C-suite leaders. The summit will take place at Shell in Houston, Texas from 10 AM to 4 PM and will include practical, interactive learning activities.

Meet the Guests: Erica D’Eramo and Tanya Tarr

Erica D’Eramo: From Engineering to Leadership Consulting

Erica D’Eramo begins by introducing her background in engineering and her experience working in the energy sector. Over time, Erica transitioned into coaching and consulting, founding Two Piers, a company that focuses on fostering inclusive leadership. Erica’s mission is to help leaders across industries build environments where everyone can thrive, both in traditional offices and offshore workspaces.

Tanya Tarr: Behavioral Science and Leadership Development

Next, Tanya Tarr shares her own journey, highlighting her diverse experience in behavioral science, working with military families, and her involvement in electoral politics. Tanya now runs her own learning and development company and is a certified health coach. Her unique skill set positions her as a valuable voice on leadership, self-care, and workplace dynamics.

Themes of the Inclusion Summit Workshop

The Inclusion Summit will focus on equipping HR professionals and executives with the tools they need to create inclusive leadership styles. The event promises to be highly interactive, allowing participants to engage with the material in meaningful ways.

Focus on Inclusive Leadership

The workshop will address the need for inclusive leadership, especially in challenging environments such as offshore work settings. Erica and Tanya highlight the importance of recognizing and managing critical risk points in the workplace, which can lead to a safer and more trusting environment for employees.

The Role of Self-Care in Leadership

Tanya emphasizes that self-care is not just a personal necessity but a leadership responsibility. For managers to foster healthier ecosystems at work, they must take care of themselves first. This element of the workshop will equip leaders with strategies to integrate self-care into their everyday roles, promoting well-being for both themselves and their teams.

Debunking Leadership Myths: Embracing Adaptive Alpha Leadership

The Myth of the Lone Wolf Leader

One of the major themes discussed is the debunking of the lone wolf leadership myth. Tanya argues that this outdated idea of leadership no longer serves modern, inclusive workplaces. Instead, she introduces the concept of the adaptive alpha—a leadership style that balances strength with responsiveness and situational awareness.

Adaptive Alpha: Leadership for Inclusive Spaces

The adaptive alpha is a leader who can adjust to the needs of the moment, fostering environments where everyone feels included and valued. Tanya explains that by being more adaptive, leaders can help their teams perform better and avoid the maladaptive behaviors that often surface in high-stakes work environments.

The Importance of Debriefing and Demobilization

Creating Learning Environments After High-Stakes Events

Erica and Tanya stress the importance of debriefing and demobilization after high-stress or high-stakes events. Rather than treating mistakes or challenges as opportunities for punishment, they advocate for creating learning environments where teams can reflect, grow, and improve.

The Science Behind Debriefing: Oxytocin and Heart Health

Tanya takes this concept further by explaining the neurobiological benefits of debriefing. She highlights how the act of debriefing triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that not only strengthens team bonds but also has positive effects on heart health. These benefits make debriefing an essential practice for leaders to incorporate into their work processes.

Final Thoughts: How to Get Involved

As the episode draws to a close, Erica and Tanya offer their contact information for listeners who want to learn more or connect with them directly. Erica encourages leaders to give themselves the space to reflect on the challenges they face, while Tanya reminds the audience of their inner strength and the importance of self-care.

The episode wraps up with a reminder to join the Inclusion Summit Workshop on September 18th—an opportunity to gain valuable insights on inclusive leadership and the role it plays in building stronger, safer workplaces.