

Charting your path starts with knowing where you are.

Many organizations understand the value of diversity, equity and inclusion in their business, yet they struggle with achieving lasting, effective change. We believe that it all starts with a clear and accurate understanding of the existing state. As Maya Angelou noted, “You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.”

At Two Piers Consulting, we partner with our clients to help them understand their current position and their past experiences so that we can identify the most impactful steps to reach their diversity, equity and inclusion goals. We take a multi-faceted approach that examines the various barriers each organization may face, whether those exist within processes and systems or within culture and team dynamics. Our methodology encompasses a range of quantitative and qualitative data across both leading and lagging indicators.

Our team brings a wealth of real world business experience, from the front lines to the executive suite. We integrate data analytics, academic expertise and professional acumen with practical application.

We understand these inquiries can be an uncomfortable and necessary step in progressing toward better performance. We help to turn those learnings into action so that each organization can create the diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces that attract and retain top talent and deliver business results.

Book your free consultation today to learn more about how we can help your organization be successful.