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Reclaim the Floor: How to Get Your Voice Heard and Handle the Interrupters

  • Zoom details provided upon registration (map)

calling all women+

Are you tired of having your brilliant ideas stifled by interruptions at work? Do you find it frustrating when your voice gets drowned out in meetings? When you’re not credited for your insights and contributions?

Having your voice silenced isn’t just irritating - it impacts your ability to be effective in your work and to progress in your career. Plus, we need your voice to help change the world! 🗣️

It's time to rise above the noise and reclaim the floor! 🎙

In this FREE three-week intensive, you’ll discover how to leverage your unique strengths, build a supportive network of allies, and cultivate an unshakable presence that demands respect in any room. In our interactive sessions, you will connect with like-minded professionals, exchange experiences, and lift each other up.

Over the span of three weeks, we combine live workshops, Q&A sessions, and hot-seat coaching opportunities to meet you where you’re at on your journey and lift you up to the next level. Don’t think you can carve out the time? Don’t worry. We’ll keep each session short, sweet, and to the point, and we’ll always offer replays.


Our interactive workshops combine research findings, expert insights, and lived experience to offer up the tools and frameworks that will work best for you. We know that one size does not fit all, so we embrace the different strengths and genius that each participant brings to the table. You’ll walk away knowing more about yourself and more about The Interrupters™️.


Have burning questions and seeking personalized guidance? Our interactive Q&A sessions will provide you with the platform to get expert advice and tailored solutions. Feel free to bring any challenges you face, and we'll help you tackle them head-on.


Step into the spotlight and let our experienced coaches focus solely on your growth. During our "Hot Seat" coaching sessions, you'll receive one-on-one attention, uncover blind spots, and receive constructive feedback that propels you to new heights. Embrace the challenges, embrace the growth!

Sign up today to grab your seat at the table and stay tuned for more to come!


Q: Is this only for women?
A: This seminar is geared toward anyone who has faced gender-based marginalization in the workplace. We are committed to creating a welcoming space for folks across the gender spectrum.

Q: What’s the time commitment?
A: We’ll meet live 3x per week for 30 minutes each.

Q: When are the sessions?
A: We’ll meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12:30ET/11:30CT for 30 minutes. Mondays will include an interactive workshop. Wednesday will have a live Q&A with a chance to pre-submit questions. Fridays will have hot-seat coaching opportunities where you can bring a specific challenge to work on one-to-one while the rest of the group learns.

Q: What if I can’t attend live?
A: No worries! You’ll have access to the recordings for each session to watch and rewatch as you’re able.

Q: Will I be put on the spot or called on?
A: No! We will have interactive anonymous polling during our workshops; questions can be submitted with or without your name. Hot seat coaching is an offer but not a requirement.

Q: Will I need to join a Facebook group?
A: No. We won't be using Facebook for this series. We will grant you temporary access to a Slack group to facilitate discussion, file sharing, link sharing, and networking. We will also provide access to a Google calendar with Zoom links for each live session.

Q: Is there homework?
A: We'll provide worksheets for you to supplement the interactive portions of the program. You can use them as and when you see fit!

Later Event: January 17
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