The Building Blocks of Resilience

The Building Blocks of Resilience

So often, when we speak of resilience, we view it in terms of the individual. In reality, the likelihood of a resilient outcome depends on both individual, internal factors and external factors outside of a person's direct control. 

Internal Factors

Some of the factors that we can influence include self-awareness and curiosity. By fostering self-awareness and building our skills of interoception, we're better able to notice when we are struggling and intervene with supportive measures. This might look like noticing that your heart rate is increasing, and proactively taking a few moments to re-center or meditate rather than further engage. Curiosity is an antidote for anxiousness. It asks what can be rather that what is or what will be. An anxious brain might ask closed questions like, “Will I be ok?” or “Am I going to fail?” whereas a curious brain might ask “What are my options here?” or “What can I learn from this?” or even “What resources can I lean on right now?”

Two more internal factors are purpose and belief systems. A purpose is your guiding star. It gives you the reason and motivation to continue pushing onward and puts your current struggles in a longer-term perspective. A belief system does not need to be religious in nature. It can be a belief in the natural world or in humanity. It is a feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself and an interconnectedness with your external world.

External Factors

Factors that are external to us include access to resources that meet our basic needs, this includes food, shelter, and rest. Having access to these elements greatly increases the likelihood of resilient outcomes. Access to community is also highly associated with resilient outcomes. Having people to talk to and lean on can help us integrate and process our experiences. It can remind us that we are not carrying our burdens alone. 

And lastly, rhythmic motion is correlated with resilient outcomes. This can include music, poetry, dancing, drumming, tapping, even rocking back and forth. Studies of indigenous and traditional cultures that showed high levels of resilience consistently incorporated rhythmic motion. So if you find yourself reaching for your Spotify playlist when you're feeling a bit delicate or down, it absolutely makes sense!


To learn more about how to foster resilience in your life, including the science behind some of these factors, you can join our upcoming mastermind: Unlocking Resilience. We will meet over the span of six weeks with ample opportunity to apply the learnings as we go. It starts February 12th and the cost is just $150.

We hope you'll join us!