The Power of Community - with GG Renee Hill

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Building Community, Resilience, and Creativity with GG Renee Hill

In this engaging podcast episode, Erica D'Eramo hosts author and facilitator GG Renee Hill to discuss the significance of community, resilience, and creativity. Join us as we explore GG's insights, personal journey, and her approach to creating supportive and inclusive communities.

GG Renee Hill's Personal Journey

Building and Understanding Community

GG Renee Hill opens up about her personal and professional journey in understanding and building communities. She emphasizes the importance of community support and its role in resilience.

Childhood and Family Influence

GG shares her origin story, highlighting her sensitive and creative childhood influenced by her mother's mental illness. This foundation shaped her views on mental health, trauma, and the necessity of support systems.

Navigating Vulnerability and Support

GG discusses her struggles with vulnerability, especially as a young mom. She recounts rediscovering her passion for writing and the therapeutic power of journaling and blogging. Encouraged by friends, she started a blog, connecting with a community that values transparency and vulnerability.

The Complexity of Community

Defining Community

Transitioning from blogging to coaching, GG found her purpose in helping others through her experiences. She explains that community is about feeling seen, heard, and safe in one's authenticity.

Experiences with Different Communities

GG shares her experiences with various communities, both those she was born into and those she chose to join. She highlights the complexities of belonging and the importance of refining one’s understanding of community without making assumptions.

Creating Safe Online Communities

Guidelines and Norms for Creatives

Erica and GG discuss the necessity of community guidelines and principles to create safe and inclusive spaces. GG emphasizes compassion and tone-setting, particularly for marginalized communities.

Challenges of Managing Online Communities

Erica reflects on the challenges of managing online communities, emphasizing the balance between setting expectations and fostering diversity.

Community Growth and Resilience

Maintaining Core Values

Both Erica and GG stress the importance of maintaining a heart-centered community while adapting to growth. Protecting the community's original principles and values is crucial to avoid losing sight of its purpose.

Valuing Diverse Communities

They discuss how creatives value diverse communities with varying expectations and levels of commitment. GG highlights the role of vulnerability and community in overcoming struggles.

The Role of Identity and Boundaries

Identity Conflicts

Erica reflects on her identity as a queer Italian-American, noting conflicts between her upbringing and sexuality. GG values open respect and coexistence among people with different beliefs and perspectives.

Respectful Discussions

GG shares a personal anecdote of watching respectful discussions on YouTube with her daughters, illustrating the importance of embracing diversity and unity.

Embracing Diversity Through Storytelling

Recognizing Human Experiences

Erica and GG emphasize the importance of recognizing and valuing the diversity of human experiences beyond visible identity markers. They share personal stories to illustrate how superficial characteristics can lead to division, while deeper, shared experiences unite us.

Overcoming Division

They discuss the concept of false scarcity and identity threat, used to control groups, and advocate for storytelling as a means to build and sustain community.

Finding and Building Community

Vulnerability and Trust

Erica and GG highlight the importance of vulnerability in building community and finding support. Safety, trust, and sharing ready-to-be-heard stories are key elements.

Gradual Acclimation

GG advises on the importance of discernment when building community, encouraging gradual acclimation and open-heartedness. She shares a personal experience to illustrate the value of being open to unexpected outcomes.

Self-Awareness and Acceptance

Navigating Social Situations

GG discusses how vulnerability can be weaponized, leading to defense mechanisms and unmet needs. Erica reflects on her introversion and how her ADHD and trauma affect her social experiences.

Seeking Authentic Communities

They both emphasize finding a community where one can be authentic and valued for who they are. GG encourages creative expression and community exploration, even if it feels awkward initially.

Creative Expression and Community Support

Exploring and Experimenting

GG advises identifying gaps in life where community and expression are missing. She encourages exploring different communities, understanding that it's a process.

Sharing and Connecting

Erica cheers on participants for sharing their writing during workshops, promoting imperfection and connection. GG shares her writing prompts on Instagram and her website, offering free monthly sessions to foster creative connection and community support.


This episode highlights the importance of community, resilience, and creativity. Through personal anecdotes and insightful discussions, GG's journey inspires us to embrace vulnerability and find our place in supportive communities. To find out more about GG’s offerings, visit her website at or her Instagram account @ggreneewrites.