The Strength in Humility - with Anthony Luévanos, PhD.

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The Role of Humility in Leadership: A Conversation with Dr. Anthony Luévanos

In this episode of the Two Piers Podcast, host Erica D'Eramo sits down with Dr. Anthony Luévanos to explore the powerful role that humility plays in effective leadership. Drawing on Dr. Luévanos’ extensive experience across industries, they delve into how humility can transform leadership approaches and foster a collaborative and growth-oriented workplace.

Introduction to Dr. Anthony Luévanos

Background and Experience

Erica begins by introducing Dr. Anthony Luévanos, whose career has spanned industries such as education, healthcare, and construction. Dr. Luévanos has worked extensively in curriculum development, professional coaching, and consulting. With a passion for understanding the impact of humility on leadership, he shares his journey and motivations for helping others become more effective leaders.

Dr. Luévanos’ Journey and Professional Interests

Academic Achievements and Coaching Philosophy

During the conversation, Erica highlights Dr. Luévanos’ impressive academic background and his journey in coaching. Dr. Luévanos speaks about his experience in the Rice Coaching Program, as well as his collaboration with Erica, sharing how these experiences have shaped his coaching philosophy.

Holistic Approach to Life and Leadership

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Dr. Luévanos emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to life. His interests in physical training, gardening, and community volunteer work complement his leadership style. He even draws parallels between his passion for ballroom and salsa dancing and his approach to leadership, noting that balance, rhythm, and collaboration are critical in both.

Defining Humility in Leadership

What Does Humility Mean?

As the core theme of the episode, Dr. Luévanos explains what humility means in leadership. He defines humility as an accurate understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses, combined with a willingness to learn from others. This openness, he argues, is essential for leaders to grow and adapt in today's rapidly changing world.

Key Elements of Humble Leadership

Both Erica and Dr. Luévanos agree that curiosity, giving credit to others, and admitting mistakes are key attributes of a humble leader. Erica also reflects on her experience in the energy sector, where humility is sometimes viewed as a weakness in the context of hyper-masculine workplace cultures.

Humility vs. Weakness

The Critical Difference

A key distinction Dr. Luévanos makes is between humility and weakness. He explains that humility is not about lacking confidence or self-esteem. Instead, it’s about being self-aware and managing one’s weaknesses in a way that reduces stress and anxiety, while still allowing for growth and leadership development.

Examples of Humble Leadership

To further illustrate his point, Dr. Luévanos references well-known leaders like Steve Jobs and Satya Nadella. He notes that these leaders balanced humility with confidence, creating environments where innovation and collaboration could thrive without sacrificing their authority.

Building a Culture of Curiosity and Humility

The Role of Leaders in Fostering Curiosity

In their discussion on organizational culture, Erica and Dr. Luévanos touch on how leaders can foster curiosity and humility within their teams. Dr. Luévanos shares insights from his work with CEOs, emphasizing that leaders must rely on their teams' expertise and foster a collaborative environment. This, he believes, leads to better decision-making and a more dynamic workplace.

Practical Steps for Encouraging Exploration

Erica highlights the importance of encouraging curiosity in everyday team interactions, whether in meetings or one-on-one sessions. She argues that creating an environment where exploration is valued can lead to higher engagement and innovation.

The Challenges and Benefits of Humility in Leadership

Overcoming the Challenges

Although humility offers numerous benefits, it can be challenging for leaders to incorporate into their leadership style. Dr. Luévanos emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, reflection, and seeking feedback as tools to overcome these challenges.

The Benefits of Humility

On the flip side, leaders who embrace humility can see significant benefits. Dr. Luévanos points out that humble leaders tend to have higher employee engagement, stronger trust among team members, and a greater sense of psychological safety within their organizations.

Practical Steps for Leaders

Integrating Humility into Leadership Practices

For leaders interested in adopting a more humble approach, Dr. Luévanos offers several practical steps. He encourages leaders to seek input from their teams, value feedback, and embrace continuous learning. By leading with humility, leaders can create an environment where their team members feel valued and supported.

The Role of Mentors and Coaches

Erica and Dr. Luévanos also discuss the importance of mentors and coaches in developing leaders. Coaches, in particular, play a crucial role in helping leaders reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement, which is key for cultivating humility.

Final Thoughts and Additional Resources

Resources for Further Learning

As they conclude the episode, Erica and Dr. Luévanos share some valuable resources for leaders looking to delve deeper into the concept of humility in leadership. Dr. Luévanos mentions his upcoming article on the subject, while Erica recommends the book Humble Inquiry by Edgar Schein, a must-read for anyone looking to improve their leadership style.

Looking Ahead

Both Erica and Dr. Luévanos express excitement about future collaborations and the opportunity to continue exploring how humility can reshape leadership in today’s world. They thank listeners for tuning in and encourage them to apply these principles in their own leadership journeys.