Two Piers Digest - November Roundup 💫

Two Piers Digest - November Roundup 💫
Bi-monthly Digest
november 30th
Hello there, First name / friend!
As we close out November, we're preparing for a slower pace at the end of the year. It's a great time for some reflection, integration and restoration as we prepare for a new year. You may notice a reduction in content and activity as we embrace this quieter season.
Your TL;DR:
On Tap 🚰 - Reflecting on Thanksgiving 🎧
Coaches Corner 🧭  - The Building Blocks of Resilience 
DEIBJ Digest 🗞 - The winter holiday (and performance review) season is upon us! 🎄 
What We’re Reading 📚 - November Book List
Also: Unlocking Resilience Mastermind 🔐 in February
The Two Piers Podcast 🎧 
Last week's podcast episode dropped on Thanksgiving Day here in the US and we have a short episode that reflects on some of the challenges that come along with the holidays, as well as ways that we can incorporate gratitude into our lives. The episode also explores some of the history around Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Month. 
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Prefer to stream an episode from Apple or Spotify? You can find us on all the major platforms by clicking here 🎧
This month's Coaches Corner theme is Resilience.
In our last digest, we broke down the difference between resilience and endurance. This week, we're sharing some insights into which factors lead to more resilience outcomes.
So often, when we speak of resilience, we view it in terms of the individual. In reality, the likelihood of a resilient outcome depends on both individual, internal factors and external factors outside of a person's direct control.
Head on over to the blog for our recent article, where we break down the building blocks that lead to resilient outcomes, including the elements within our control and those outside of our control. 
To learn more about how to foster resilience in your life, you can join our upcoming mastermind: Unlocking Resilience. We will meet over the span of six weeks with ample opportunity to apply the learnings as we go. It starts February 12th and the cost is just $150.
We hope you'll join us!
As we enter December, it's a time of annual performance conversations and holiday festivities. 
This means it's also a great time to reflect on how your organization can navigate these seasonal activities with fairness, equity and inclusion. 

The Dreaded Annual Performance Review ☑️ 
It's the most wonderful time of the year! 🎶 Ehem. You know, the time when we get to have genuine and deeply insightful conversations between managers and direct reports about what went well and where we can grow next year. 
Oh. Is that not how the annual performance cycle feels to you? 
Well you're not alone. Plenty has been written and researched in terms of the ineffectiveness (and literal harmfulness) of year-end performance conversations. Even the Society of HR Managers gives them a failing grade
Unfortunately, we know that these harms disproportionately impact women and people of color. 
If you want to stop the madness and start having more effective and equitable performance conversations, hop on over to the blog to read about the three primary problems with annual performance appraisals and what you can do about them.

If your performance reviews are already completed for the year, now is a great time to look back and reflect on what would have made them better. If you haven't finished the process yet, then we understand if you're feeling a bit like Frankie, here.
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Holiday Cheer or Holiday Fear? 🎄 
Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus, Kwanzaa, Saturnalia / Sol Invictus, Solstice, Winterval, Yule, and the list goes on. For as far back as history can reach, humans have been finding ways and reasons to come together for community and celebration during this time of year
Yet for companies and colleagues trying to acknowledge and celebrate the holidays, it can feel like a daunting tightrope to walk amidst today's increasingly fraught discourse. The debate over “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” has been written about and pontificated on ad nauseum, so we won't retread that ground here. 
Instead, we'll offer a few resources for you to consider as you strive to bring some seasonal festivity into the workplace this year. 
This is probably a good time of year to remember that impact does not always equal intent. If we offer a holiday greeting with the intention of showing kindness, and we discover that the impact was different than we expected, we have a couple choices: 
  • We can feel self-righteous or defensive, withdrawing that original intent of kindness,
  • OR we can stick with our original intent of showing kindness and consider what words or actions might have that intended impact.
(PS: Next time you hear someone bemoan the supposed cancellation of Christmas while Mariah Carey belts out her perennial classic in the background, you can point to an actual cancellation of Christmas in Bethlehem this year).
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Book List 📚 
This month's booklist includes a curated selection of our favorite books on this month's theme of building resistance. 
Please note that we typically link to a affiliate page as opposed to Amazon because we prefer to support independent bookshops. Should you choose to purchase a book from one of our links or lists, your purchase can not only support your local brick and mortar bookshop, it also helps support Two Piers. Rest assured that you do not incur any additional fees and we only share books that align with our mission. 
Articles 📰 
Just a couple articles to share today as we approach the end of the year:

We hope that everyone made it through Thanksgiving in one piece and that naps were available as needed. 
Hibernation season is upon us, y'all! 💤 
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Erica and the Two Piers Team